Canon Genset

canon genset



Diesel Genset installation requires processing of the electric generator to generate electrical energy. These are famed for their reliability, durability, and their sturdy nature in terms of costs and operations. But, here’s a unique catch with diesel generators manufacturers even when they provide you with super silent, compact and backed by renowned engines. Many times, a lack of proper maintenance with an industrial diesel generator can halt or hinder your work because the engine ceases to function to its optimal level. 

Here, in this blog, you will learn about some essential tips which will help you gear up with your diesel generator and give your generator a pump-up wheel.

a large green machine in a factory
Diesel Genset


Engine oil is very crucial to be maintained at an optimal level all the time. For this, it should be checked at regular intervals, especially when the diesel gensets are shut down after the work is done. Using a dipstick to check the oil can help with this because the oil in the upper part drains back to the crankcase and the oil viscosity should be ideal that matches your genset manufacturer recommendations. Thus, it is necessary to keep changing the oil and the filter at regular intervals. 

Cleaning Diesel Generator

If you are keeping your 3-phase diesel generator clean all the time, then oil drips can be avoided. You just have to make it into your regular inspection to check up with hoses and belts and see whether their condition is optimal or not. Moreover, consumers think that diesel generators in India require a lot of maintenance at regular intervals, even when at no use.

Testing Batteries

A common issue of standby generators or power system failure usually happens when the batteries are drained or have reached a dead-end level. Thus, batteries must be kept fully charged from 40% to 100% and to be maintained at every time. It can be done so by constant testing and inspection because power failure due to battery drainage can create havoc with your diesel genset. So, avoid chaos by regularly checking up on your battery status.

Checking Fuel System

Fuel filters should be drained at scheduled intervals so that water vapour condensing within the fuel can be prevented. Moreover, fuel polishing helps in case fuel does not change after every 3 to 6 months. General inspection including checking oil levels, coolants, fuel and starting systems are enough for the effective working of generators. 

Exhaust System

Leakage is another common problem, a halt in the working of generators. It comes along with the exhaust line at the connection points, caskets or welds. It is important to undergo immediate inspection and get it repaired by the technician, which will prevent any further damage. 

Operating Inspections

When the diesel gensets run out, certain other inspections should also be undertaken as prescribed in the guidelines offered by your diesel generators manufacturers. It generally contains disconnecting generator batteries, changing fuel filters, draining fuel systems, ensuring proper coverage of intake and exhaust ports, replacing air filters, etc. 

Routine Engine Exercise

To keep up with your industrial diesel generator, the engine must be lubricated optimally to prevent the oxidation of electrical contacts. It is important to maintain regular exercising of the engine and other essential components of the generator. Moreover, the engine uses fuel before it can deteriorate. At least 30 minutes of exercise once a month is recommended for engine reliability check-up by a dg set manufacturer 

Conclusion If you want a robust and quality diesel genset for your industry, call Canon Genset as we provide you with the best generator deal. Bring in a power-fueled generator that minimizes your costs and provides you with the best performance.

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